Ministries at Grace and Peace
We have a variety of ministries, committees, and gatherings to offer. Whatever your interests are we have a spot for you!
Worship & Music
The Worship and Music Ministry plans all regular and special worship activities, including equipping musicians, assisting ministers, lectors, acolytes, altar guild, greeters, and ushers. Want to get involved? Contact us!
Community & Nurture
What does it mean to Nurture? When you nurture a person, you care for that person and help him or her grow. We are here to help our fellow members and community to support their needs as well. We research and choose projects to support the efforts of other organizations. This ministry plans our nourishing dinners, fundraising for Good Samaritan Fund, and church rummage sales. We would love to have you join us!
Evangelism exists at Grace and Peace to help everyday people take one step closer to Jesus. The Evangelism Ministry presents the Gospel and Grace and Peace Congregation to the neighborhood and larger community. A few ways would include hosting our Lenten Films, Live Streaming our services, Social Media and Website, to Music on the Lawn concerts. Reaching out to others, and making connections.
Youth & Christian Ed
Our Christian Education & Youth Ministry is led by our Youth Directors (Andrew & Cheriz). This Ministry runs adult and youth education, as well all youth and family programs. Whether planning adult forums or workshops, to planning Sunday school curriculum. The Youth Program includes: YoGaP Youth Nights, Parents’ night out, Mission Kids studies, fun events, service projects, and more! Check out the Youth & Families page to find more info!
Women of Grace and Peace
A strong women’s ministry thrives at Grace and Peace. WOGAP champions multiple service projects in the community as well as the Northern Conference. They sponsor and host a variety of programs and support Miriam Circle (a Bible Study). Many of this ministry assemble layettes, school kits, personal hygiene kits, and seasonal items for Lutheran World Relief throughout the year. All of this connects us with the Women of the ELCA (Churchwide), and then onward to the Worldwide Women. The ripple effect is huge and YOU are a part of it.
The Property Ministry provides and maintains the physical property of the congregation, including the buildings, equipment, furnishings, and vehicles. . So, if your passion is to mow grass or maintain the church grounds, or maybe you love to do small fix-it jobs and help keep things orderly this is the Ministry for you. We welcome anyone who would love to pitch in and lend a helping hand